Seven Ways to Destroy the Business You Built
The title of this article is not meant to be funny. It’s meant to be a heartfelt reminder to leaders who take their responsibilities seriously.
After three decades of being called in to turn companies around, I have been witness to what owners and executives do to destroy what they built. While health issues, accidents or market downturns sometimes cause the dramatic decline, these are not the situations I’m talking about.
What’s Holding You Back?
Over the past few years, much has been written about “discovering the why behind what we do.” And while I believe that understanding our motivations is core to what inspires us to persevere in the face of opposition, I also believe there’s an opposite force at work that’s equally as powerful: self-limiting beliefs.
The High Cost of Low Self-Awareness
The original title I had in mind for this article was “Five Habits of Highly Ineffective Leaders (and How to Avoid Them),” but on reflection, I thought that sounded cynical. My purpose for this piece is quite the opposite: to help fellow leaders become much more self-aware and effective.
Who’s Got Your Back?
Quick, make a mental list of the people whom you depend on to be happy, healthy and successful. Chances are it includes your family members, friends, co-workers, employees, trusted professional, clients, vendors, healthcare professionals, and others.
Now, ask yourself the question: How am I looking out for them?
What Motivates You?
Ever find it hard to get up in the morning to face your workday? Ever play hooky just because you are the boss and no one will challenge you about it?
As entrepreneurs, most of us are self-starters. That is to say, we are internally motivated by some force that pushes us forward even though we often do not want to go. So, what is it that motivates us so effectively (even when we are sick or just plain exhausted)?
Communicating Enthusiasm
“Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson