Q&A Videos
Every month we gather your submitted questions and have one of our certified business coaches give you a video response that the whole group gets to learn from.
January 2022
I am feeling overloaded, I have lots of information, and have a great plan but I just can’t seem to get this one goal across the line. What do you recommend?
December 2021
What should we be focusing on for the end of the year?
Who should we be talking to at the end of the year?
November 2021
How do we keep employees in this “great resignation” with people that keep moving jobs?
October 2021
How do we keep employees in this “great resignation” with people that keep moving jobs?
How does a service base business make more monthly revenue so I don’t have to rely on closing deals?
How do we create a more consistent flow of leaders as we are working on a succession plan to replace some of our biggest leaders over the years?
What is the easiest way to upgrade my website this week?
How do I increase my cash flow without adding new products or services?
September 2021
What are some of the major pitfalls that business leaders fall into?
As a Christian business owner what is your opinion on tithing from your business or just as an individual?
When you have a key employee that is not living up to their job description, what is the best way to handle that?
August 2021
How do you balance your work and home life?
Do you have any books that you suggest I read?
Which leadership skills were the most difficult to develop?
When trying to gain buy-in from implementing a new program, what tactics have worked for you?
What are some of the hard choices you have made to get to your point in your career?
July 2021
What’s the best advice you can give to help plan a career rather than simply work to keep a job?
How do you encourage innovative ideas?
Do you have a mentor? How have they influenced you?
What do you do to constantly challenge your teams?
How do you keep your feelings separate from your decision-making?